The Science Of Motivation:Part 1

 Why Is Motivation So Important? Part 1


The legendary college football coach and analyst Lou Holtz once said "when all is said and done, more is said than done". These simple yet extremely profound words explain one of the biggest predicaments that individuals face today. many of us say we want to be successful, happy, and influential. yet very few of us follow up what we say with specific actions that move us directly toward those goals.

The idea being successful is an attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions, whereas the actions required to be successful at work, in our relationships, in sports, are often difficult and lengthy. the desire to be genuinely happy is a universal goal to which nearly every individual aspires,but the action required to achieve deep and sustained happiness-some call it joy-often require us to delay temporary gratification and avoid quick fixes to problems.

Saying that we want to achieve a level of influence either as leader of others in workplace an influential member of the community, or as an admired parent and spouse, is far easier than the gut-wrenching decisions, enormous amounts of personal time, and direct truth-telling there are required. This gap between what we say we want and what we must do to achieve it can often feel as large and distant and mysterious as black hole. it separates those who are able to turn their dreams into their dreams into their destiny from those who aren't.    

what we do we need to do bridge this gap between what we say we want and what we must do to achieve it? we need goal-oriented motivation. This specific kind of motivation is the fuel that takes us across the long and often uncertain bridge to our desired destination in life. what would it mean for you to learn how to develop this kind of motivation on demand, sustain this motivation through the difficult periods of life, and instill it so intricately in to your daily life that you make the very idea of motivation unnecessary?

All of that and more is available to you in this all-new cutting-edge book, The Science Of Motivation: Strategies and Techniques for Turning Dreams into Destiny from personal development expert and motivation master Brain Tracy  

Here you will learn that the typical ideas of motivation as some-thing that comes and goes, often out of your control,like a balloon being filled with air from the outside in are completely inaccurate.Motivation has been studied, has have the methods and strategies needed to replace it. Truly , there is a science of motivation and as with any other subject which has been scientifically studied and tested, if you implement its causes in your life, you will and must tested, if you implement its causes in your life, you will and must produce the effects and move towards the outcomes that you desire.

After clearing away the numerous mythabout motivation, Brain will present and discuss this cutting-edge science with you if you apply it systematically to your life, your dream will become your destiny.

in the first part we are going to talk about why motivation is so important. There's an idea out there that talent, brains and education are what you need to be successful in this world. There's a lot of talk about having the right kind of education for example, STEM education: science and technology, engineering, and math. If you do you'll be successful in your career moving forward. or if somebody gets the right score on the ACT or SAT test and has the right brains. or just a great talent, whether it's something that they've developed as a prodigy or something that they've worked on. There is the idea that these things are sufficient for success.

How do you feel about that and where does motivation come in?  


I start of my life quite humbly, i didn't graduate from high school, and i worked at laboring jobs. The first job i got was washing dishes in the back of a small hotel. all the time i was growing up i received, unfortunately, no motivation aside from threats and punishment from my parents and family. i was told told that if you don't get a good education, you wan't be successful if you don't get a good education ,you want go to college. you won't get a good job, you wan't marry well, and you 'll just have to struggle. this is used as a threat to encourage people to do better as students.

However, what i absorbed is that if i didn't get a good education, than I've missed the boat and all i could worked at a variety of laboring jobs, and my only thoughts was "I didn't graduate from high school, so I'll jsut seek out more laboring jobs" i worked in sawmills. I worked in the brush with a chain saw. I worked on farms, on ranches. I worked in factories. I worked on sawmills stacking lumber. I worked in digging ditches. All basically Joe job, minimum wage jobs. The minimum wage was much lower than it is today.

I kept believing this. When i could no longer find a laboring job because of the economy, I got a job making sales 100% commission, working from door to door. I worked at that for months and months. Then i had a turning point in my life. I'll never forget it.

I noticed that one of the guys in our office who was selling the same product out of the same office was earning ten times as as anyone else, and he wasn't even working very hard. I was getting up at 6:00 in the morning and preparing. I was out there knocking on doors when people came to work at 8:00 or 8:30 I'd knock on office and industrial doors all day long. At night I'd go out and knock on apartment doors and on doors in the residential neighborhoods. I'd may be make on sale all day.

This Guy made four or five sales a day, and he'd start at 9:30 He'd quit at 4:30 go out for lunch, and went to nightclubs. He always had lot of money, and he was only about three or four years older than me. He was pretty casual. He didn't seem like a genius. He was just nice guy.

I went and I asked him "Why are you so much more successful than I am?" He said " Show me your sales process and i will critique it for you." I said " I don't have sale process" He said " A sale process is like a recipe or success formula. I f you don't have one, you're simply not going to be successful in preparing a dish or getting results." He showed me his sales process. It was pretty basic: when you meet a prospect, you, you just ask them questions.

But when i met a prospect, I would talk at them as fast as i could to try to get them interested in my product before they shut down told me, I've got to get back to work. Leave it with me and I'll look it over. He said 'NO,no,no you have to separate prospects from suspects. you have to ask question to find out if this person can actually use our product."

I began to ask questions, and I started to get better results.I went back to him, and I said,"what else can you do?"He said have you read any books on sales. I went down to the bookstore, and i started to buy and read every book from cover to cover and underline in them.

Divided in to parts if you wanna give me your respected suggestion. write in comment.

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